When Rose Goes

Rose is preparing to return to the university next week.

I am trying to be cool about it, but below the surface is…


Surprised? This must be your first visit to this blog.

Fear and I have a long-running feud going.

So what’s a mama bear to do when her cub leaves the den to go out into a pandemic?

My regulars probably guessed the answer…


My strategy for handling this pandemic is to create “circles of safety” around my friends and family.

I call it “Operation COS.”

I figured they would be safer if the folks around them are safer.

So I sew. (Even my mail-carrier has my masks.)

Rose will return to school with many purple masks to share.

Male masks will be made today. I sewed in my sleep last night.

Two layers of cotton with two layers of polypropylene in the middle.

This is how crazy people get through the maze.

Seizure Mama and her sewing machine.


Author: Flower Roberts


7 thoughts on “When Rose Goes”

  1. Your posts always touch me although I do not write often. A fear has fallen upon my heart tonight while my precious boy is currently sleeping beside me. I felt my son is having some strange feelings as he kept asking for “hug” when they occurred to him. I hope I am not over thinking… this fear!

    I am thinking of you and sending you and Rose my warm regards and prayers and love and courage. ❤️


    1. Dear Khadija,
      Maybe he senses your anxiousness due to the pandemic and other concerns.
      I am so glad to hear from you.
      You were my first “other mother” so you will always be special to me.
      I send my love, prayers and care.


  2. COS perfect! Love the idea of making so many masks for Rose to share with friends at school. Love that you added polypropylene layer.

    Liked by 1 person

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