More Time

I enter this new year with a grateful heart.

We almost lost my daddy several times over the holidays.

I found myself begging for more time and more strength.

There is nothing like a night in ICU with someone you love to get your priorities in order.

That was my second time of swabbing a mouth with a sponge while bargaining with God.

I am sharing this because I know you get it.

If someone you love has epilepsy, you know fear.

I am so grateful that my daddy made it through surgery and is on the slow road back.

We have been given more time together. There is no greater gift.

I plan on making it count.

Life is precious. Love is precious. Time is precious.

Happy 2020.

Seizure Mama/ Flower Roberts


Author: Flower Roberts

5 thoughts on “More Time”

  1. Amen – a blessing from God to have more time with your father. Sitting in the hospital with someone you love and hoping they will not leave this earth for awhile – changes a person’s perspective on life. I hope your father has a speedy recovery.

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      1. I feel honored that you thought about me while you were in the hospital. I have been praying for your Father. It is hard to lose your parents. My parents have been gone for years, but they are always in my heart. Hugs and love to you and your family.

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