Story #16: Rose Goes Homebound

The day after the seizure in the movie theater, the speech therapist from Rose’s elementary school called to set up a meeting about starting speech therapy. Rose needed this due to her hearing loss because of her many ear infections. I told the therapist about the seizures over the holidays and asked if she could get the principal to call us about Rose going homebound. The principal called back shortly thereafter.
I had been a public school teacher before my two children were born. I knew that having Rose in a busy classroom would not be safe for her if she continued to have frequent full-blown seizures. Elementary classes are a flourish of activities. The students move from place to place like a herd of little ducks. It would be all too easy for a teacher to accidentally leave Rose behind or not notice she was on the floor. In addition, I feared the stress and exposure to germs would disrupt the delicate balance we were trying to achieve with Rose.
The principal told us which forms must be filled out by Rose’s doctors. We got these and had them completed by her neurologist, but I still felt uncertain about pulling Rose out of school. I asked the neurologist what would happen if Rose had a series of seizures somewhere alone and nobody noticed. Her doctor plainly stated that she could die. There was no more debate. Rose would not be safe in a busy and bustling public school. We could not take the risk.
This was the right choice to make. The seizures kept coming, strong and frequent, during the next months. We tried many new drugs and drug combinations. This was the worst stretch so far. Not only did Rose keep having seizures; now there was also a parade of side effects to go along with them.

Seizure Mama speaks to parents:

Do not assume public schools will be able to make proper accommodations for your child. Sometimes it is just not possible; a school may not have enough trained staff or funding. You can get angry and fuss all you want. Sometimes it cannot be done, even if it should be done. Your child is ultimately your responsibility. Do not push this important and complicated task onto some overworked and underpaid teacher with a classroom full of other children. It will not be fair to the teacher and may endanger your precious child. Life is NOT fair. You should know that by now.

Author: Flower Roberts

I am a garden blogger and a mother. This blog is about my daughter Rose and her triumph over epilepsy. We are in the process of completing a book, Watching Rose Rise. We need folks who understand life with seizures to give us some feedback. Rose is off at college right now so I, Flower, am running the blog PLEASE come and join us. We want to get this right.

5 thoughts on “Story #16: Rose Goes Homebound”

  1. I remember being on home bound, it’s hard as a teen. Especially being wrapped up in bandages and not fully understanding why things are the way they are, but none the less it’s hard on a teen emotionally. Then what you mentioned about schools not being accommodating to students, 🙌🏻. I had a scheduled medication at 1pm, it’s not like I can just move it in a day; one teacher wanted me to do just that so I wouldn’t miss anything in history 🤦🏻‍♀️. Looking back, I can re-read what I missed; I think I will be 👌🏻.

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      1. No I don’t, I started this as kind of an outlet to just put things out there that others didn’t want to say. I slacked off a bit because I have a teething 6m old who keeps me busy. However I’m active on Instagram and follow a lot of people on there and there are a bunch of incredible stories that are both heartbreaking and heartwarming.

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    1. I am a garden blogger. Rose is my daughter. I wrote a book about her and felt guilty that it took me so long to finish it. So I started our blog in order to help “Another Mother” while I was taking years to finish the book . It has changed our life. Finding you guys has been like oxygen.


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